Grateful Parents’ Well-Being Raises Children|感謝する親のウェルビーイングが子供を育てる

In the last decade, the theme that even business school classes are starting to incorporate is “gratitude,” or gratitude behaviors and appreciative actions. Man, we’re not living in a traditional biz world. They are truly worlds apart.

A lot of research – mainly in the domain of what is called “positive psychology” – has shown that this “gratitude” has a huge role in the well-being of individuals and the organization as a whole. It has been understood that it reduces individual stress levels and even increases work performance, so there is no way not to incorporate it into organizational management, and activities like that are not coming from mere slogans, but are based on a very sober, objective judgment with data to back it up in the field.

The same can be said for child rearing and family education. Parents are beginning to realize that their own well-being must be well maintained in order for their children to be well nurtured. And here, too, gratitude and appreciative behaviors are key.

Nearly half of parents surveyed say their stress levels are completely overwhelming on most days. Over four out of 10 parents say their stress levels make them feel numb or are so intense that they can’t function on most days. Terrible. We’ve gotta reverse it. If this situation continues, it will be extremely difficult to have enough time to face our children. The fastest way to do this is to strengthen our own well-being with gratitude. And it has long-lasting effects as research says.

Let’s make this 2024 another year of filling our lives with gratitude! Above all, doing it is for yourself.


多くの研究~主にpositive psychologyと呼ばれるドメインの~により、個人の、そして組織全体のウェルビーイングにこの「感謝」が非常に大きな役割を持つことが分かってきました。それは、個人のストレスレベルを下げ、仕事のパフォーマンスすら上げることが理解されてきたので、それを組織運営に取り入れない方法はないという、極めて冷静な判断による活動が現場でも取り入れられています。

同じことが育児や家庭教育に関しても言えます。子供達をよく育て上げるには、保護者自身のウェルビーイングがきちんと維持できていないと無効である、ということが理解され始めています 。そしてここでも、ポイントとなるのが感謝および感謝行動です。

Nearly half of parents surveyed say their stress levels are completely overwhelming on most days. Over four out of 10 parents say their stress levels make them feel numb or are so intense that they can’t function on most days.という世知辛い現実が指摘されます。こんな状態が続けば、余裕を持って子供に向き合うことは至難の技でしょう。我々自身のウェルビーイングを感謝で増強することが、実は最も早道なのです。そして、それは長期間にわたって継続する効果を持ちます。


(Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash

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