Misconceptions of Self-Compassion|セルフコンパッションの誤解



もう一度確認しましょう。One of the great myths of self-compassion is that it’s about lying to yourself. Or, that it’s about being weak or being lazy. Another myth is that it’s about pushing aside your difficult thoughts and saying, “Now I’m going to tell myself five positive things.”ですね。

その真逆です 。セルフコンパッションは「自己愛ナルシシズム」とは大きく異なります。「自分だけが可愛い」や「自分に甘く他人に厳しい」のでもない。そういう人たちはナルシシズムを患っており、セルフコンパッションとは似て非なるもの。

そしてついでに言えば、セルフコンパッションという一見ソフトに聞こえる自己肯定感のコアがしっかりしている人の方が 、社会的・世俗的にも成功しがちというちょっとした皮肉…。ま、当然なんですけどね。

In the last 15 years or so of psychological science research, one of the major keys to enhancing well-being is self-compassion. As we believe in our own worth, we can tolerate a lot of trials and errors. Accepting failures in order to realize our dreams, we can free ourselves from so-called “consultant thinking” that lacks vision, but tends to execute ad hoc solutions to immediate problems at hand.

Let’s review again,shall we? <<One of the great myths of self-compassion is that it’s about lying to yourself. Or, that it’s about being weak or being lazy. Another myth is that it’s about pushing aside your difficult thoughts and saying, “Now I’m going to tell myself five positive things.”>>

Self-compassion is very different from “self-love narcissism.” It is not “only pretty to myself” or “too sweet on myself and too hard on others.” Those people suffer from narcissism, which is not similar to self-compassion. Quite the opposite.

And, incidentally, it is a bit ironic that people with a strong core of self-compassion, which is a seemingly soft-sounding self-affirmation, tend to be more socially and socially successful…. Well, it’s not surprising, of course.

(Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

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