素材記事: https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/854695
写真クレジット: Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
According to the article, the time has come for Japan’s management to change from “Showa-style management” to “human capital management.” What is important is the concept that “human capital is a personal possession, not a company’s asset” according to the article.
However, many Japanese companies are still stuck in the Showa-era thinking, and are still failing their employees and their skills as “assets.
No, it’s not. They are not assets, but capital! That is the author’s message, isn’t it? It’s basically what I teach in my human resource management classes.
However, just because we have shifted our thinking of personnel from the “assets” to the “capital” does not mean that we no longer value people. Rather, we can recognize that “human resources” are “borrowed” assets that are only available for a limited time, and we can take an aggressive stance to value the skills of our employees and build a business strategy.
ところが、未だに日本の多くの会社が昭和時代の発想に引きずられて、従業員やそのスキルを「資産」として捉え 失敗を重ねています。
違います。「資産」ではなくて「資本」ですよ!というのが この方のメッセージですね。私も、人的資源管理のクラスでは、基本的にその線で教えています。
でも別に、「資産」から「資本」に発想が動いたからと言って、人を大事にしなくなるわけでは全くありません。むしろ、「人材」をあくまでも時間限定の「借り物」と認識して従業員のスキルを大切にし、経営戦略を組み立てる という攻めの姿勢に転ずることができます。