The best response to the snide remark, “Hurry up and die!”|「早く死ね」という悪口への最適な返答

Photo by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

I would like to share with you a rather vivid and living example of Buddhist wisdom. Rev. Miki Daiun is a very famous Nichiren monk for those who like ghost stories. He is of the same generation as me, btw.

His ghost stories are damn scary, of course, but I personally love them because they do not scare people unnecessarily. They all have the Mahayana Buddhist philosophy behind. If you don’t know it, please look it up on the web.

This one is quite an extreme anecdote, but it’s very easy to understand. As a matter of fact, somewhere in the Buddhist scriptures, the Buddha Shyakamuni also tells a story about the importance of “non-virtuous speech,” or not giving in to the ill will of others, saying, “Every good word and every bad word comes back to the one who gives. It is just like when someone gives you a big plate of food at a party and you don’t accept it, s/he has to take it all home and eat it yourself,” he said.

In other words, if someone throws abusive words at you and you smile in response and say, “I won’t take it,” then that person has to take that poison back to the kitchen her/himself.

Always be calm. After all. From there, even worldly success will approach on its own. I guarantee it.

なかなか 鮮やかな、仏教の生ける知恵が披露されていたのでシェアします。三木大雲老師は、怪談が好きな人にとってはとても有名な日蓮宗のお坊さんですよね。私と同世代です。


なかなか極端な逸話ですけど非常に分かりやすいですよね。かのお釈迦さんも、仏典のどこかで、他人の悪意に与しないこと、「不悪口」の重要さを伝える話として、「良い言葉も悪い言葉も、全て自分に戻ってくる 。ちょうどそれは、パーティーで誰かがたくさんの食べ物をあなたに与えた時、あなたが受け取らなければ 、全て自分で持ち帰って食べなくなければならぬことと同じだ」と説かれ、「智慧のある者は怒らず」と諭されたとのこと。



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