The future of “employment contracts” |これからの「労働契約」~有能な人材に「企業の後ろ盾」は必要か?


というのも、組織内の意思疎通がまずくて ブレーキになるぐらいなら、有能な人間たちはAI を巧みに使って個人事業主としてはるかに良い暮らしを建てられるようになる時代です。「フリーランスでも客が取れる」という体験を重ねた個人にとって、工夫のない会社との労働契約は「中抜き」や「搾取」にしか映らなくなるでしょう。



15年前までは、「企業の後ろ盾」という言葉がそれなりに 意味を持ったんですけど、今後はこのようなメッキは、徐々に 削り取られていきます。名刺の中によく聞く 企業名が入っていなくても、実力さえあれば普通に人的ネットワークを築けて働けるようなトレンドは、この15年ほどますます加速しています。むろん、企業に所属しているからこそ得られる利点もたくさんあります。企業側も「大人になる」必要がありますね。

As Prof. Gratton points out, the future relationship between companies and individuals (“employment contract”) should no longer be the conventional “company-worker” relationship, but should develop into a relationship where the contract is between “the company and each individual” based on the values of “what work means to you.” This is a “mature” relationship.

In this age, talented people can build a much better life as a sole proprietor or entrepreneur by skillfully using AI, rather than having to brake due to poor communication within a big organization. For individuals who have experienced that “freelancers can get good customers,” labor contracts with companies that lack ingenuity will be seen as nothing more than “cutting out the middleman” and “exploitation.

These talented individuals are indispensable candidates for corporate leadership in the future, regardless of whether they are large or small, but those people are entrepreneurs who can ask themselves, “Do I really need to become a salaried employee? Therefore, the company is in a position to ask, “Will you work together WITH us?”, and not “Will you work FOR us?”

This is exactly what Professor Gratton calls an “equal deal.”

Until 15 years ago, the term “corporate backing” had a certain meaning, but in the future, this kind of plating will gradually be chipped away. The trend that one can build a good business network as long as s/he is competent, even without the corporate name on the business card, has been accelerating over these years. Of course, there are still many advantages to being part of a company. But they need to “grow up” as well.

(Photo by Evangeline Shaw on Unsplash)

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