self-efficacy as a challenging mind|「自己効力感~挑戦する力~」


私の方からは、「なぜ日本では本来的には王道の『自効力感』の語が使われずに『自己肯定感』ばかりが使われるのか」という心理学的・社会学的な考察を提供しました。参加者からの大きな頷きがありましたね。また、仏教的視点からは、「『no-self』を旗印にする仏教が、なぜ70年以降のpersonality psychologyで『self』で始まる重要概念に影響を与えてきたか」という、興味深いパラドックスについて説明を試みました。

Self-efficacy is an important concept in personality psychology that has a lot to do with self-esteem. In our country, it appears (especially from the outside looking in) that it has been very damaged in recent years, so it was good to discuss the causes and solutions in this matter. I would say that this is an essential point for business leaders to be healthy and successful.

For my part, I offered a psychological and sociological explanation on why the essential term of “self-efficacy” is not used in Japan, but rather “self-affirmation” is used. Isn’t that funny? There was a big nod from the participants. From a Buddhist perspective, I also tried to explain an interesting paradox: “Why has Buddhism, which has ‘no-self’ as its flag, influenced the key concepts of ‘self’ something in personality psychology since 1970s.

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