This is a nice photo….(please go to the above page) Steve Jobs is a legendary businessman from whom the current Apple leadership, especially Tim Cook, has learned a great deal, the article recalls.
“Not to be married to my past views. Not to be so proud you can’t change your mind when you’re presented with new evidence in things.”
The phrase “to be ‘married’ to my past views” may have a nuance that is unique to Tim, who is also LGBTQ.
This is really true. The smarter you think you are, the harder it is to bend your beliefs formed in the past. Even if hard evidence appears before you.
I feel this painfully true as someone who has been in the knowledge industry for a long time. When new, more reliable evidence comes along, can you easily discard your ideas of the past? Actually, I think it is a top-notch “skill” that not so many people have.
In English, it is called “intellectual humility,” a concept that has been studied a lot in recent years in the areas of business administration and positive psychology. And it is known that people who possess this more are better able to adapt in the age of AI, plus they have a higher probability of worldly success, too. Got one?
I consider it a tremendous fortuitous thing that I was able to see Steve’s face just once, in person, at a party at the Palo Alto headquarters long before he passed away. I couldn’t speak a word because there were too many people around him (or rather, I couldn’t get close to him because the circle of people was so many layers)…. I managed “touching” him! It was a happy moment when I felt the “aura” for the first time.
これは中々いい写真ですね…。今のAppleのトップ、Tim Cookが多くを学んだ、伝説の経営者Steve Jobs。だが、 学んだことの中で一つだけあげろと言われれば何と答えますか?という記事です。
“Not to be married to my past views. Not to be so proud you can’t change your mind when you’re presented with new evidence in things. ” 言い切った。
これは、知識業界に長くいる人間として痛切に感じます。 より信頼性のある新しいエビデンスが来たら、簡単に過去の自分のアイデアを捨て去れるかどうか ?実は、そんなに多くの人が持っていないスキルだと思いますね。
英語で言えば、intellectual humility、経営学やポジティブ心理学の領域で近年多く研究されているコンセプトですね。そして、これをより持っている人の方が、AI 時代においては適応でき、プラス、世俗的に成功する確率も高くなることが知られています。
亡くなる前に、一度ですが、Steveの顔を、Palo Alto本社のパーティーで直接見ることができただけでも、ものすごい僥倖だったと思っています。取り巻きが多すぎて一言も喋れませんでした(というか、人の輪が何重にもなっており、近づけなかった)けどね…。初めて「オーラ」というものを感じた 幸せな一瞬でした。
(Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash)