The awe in nature improves mental health|自然に感じる畏敬の念がメンタルを向上させる


ポイントになるのが、「畏敬の念」というやつです。ここで報告されている実験研究でも 、この研究エリアで世界の第一人者であるケルトナー博士が指摘しています。特に、こういった自然の中でのプログラムは、特に若者が大きな恩恵を受けるんですよね。 若い頃には 都会 ライフに憧れるもんですけど、豊かな自然の中でも時間を使って欲しいものですね。

It’s much better to go outside and get into nature than to spend time agonizing over something you’re not good at in your office cubicle. You will probably come up with some good ideas there in nature, and above all, spending time in nature has a very positive effect on your mental health. This is not only known to the public, but has also been recently shown often in psychological scientific studies. Just to conclude, it works like crazy.

The key point is the one called “awe”. In the experimental study reported here, Dr. Keltner, the world’s leading expert in this area of research, also points out that the “awe” is a key element of the program. I think young people in particular benefit greatly from this kind of nature program. I understand that when you are young, you yearn for the city life, but I hope you also spend time in the richness of nature. For your mind’s sake.

(Photo by Adam Kool on Unsplash

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