Prof. Ikujiro Nonaka’s legacy|野中郁次郎博士が残したもの

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Just a few days ago on January 26, Dr. Ikujiro Nonaka, a respected management scholar, passed away. As my great senior who spent his youth at UC Berkeley alike, we affectionately called him “Ikujii/Grandpa Iku”. I am deeply sad that I was not able to meet him at last. I would like to express my deepest condolences.

Although Ikujii was a super analytical person, at the end of the day, he was the type of scholar who could say, “Kiai! Spirits!” He was the type of university scholar and practitioner who could say, “I’ve got to go for it.” I feel a strange sense of kinship with him because, although I seem to be an evidence-based supremacist with an abnormally high IQ, I actually believe almost only in “momentum” and “synchronicity” and leave the most important things entirely to my “intuition with a sense of Buddhas’ hints.

Ikujii is also famous for using the military as a source for many of his management leadership and strategy studies, and one of his most important military studies was a study of the U.S. Marine Corps, which is neither a traditional Army nor an elite Air Force, but a highly autonomous force that always smells of start-ups, and whose “reason for survival” is constantly questioned by those around it. He wrote many great books on it.

At an event last November, I spoke with Mr. Taguchi, the founder of “Borderless Japan,” a global social entrepreneurship organization, and he too repeatedly said that his final message was “Kiai (spirit)”. The key to motivate people is whether to have “kiai/spirit” at the end of the day. But that alone is of course not enough.

I don’t expect, and am not at all afraid of, “brain-muscle leadership” that tries to break through only with physical strength and muscle power without using the prefrontal cortex, which is such a treasure to humanity. It won’t last long anyway. But I greatly, greatly fear the type of spirited leadership that trains the wild alongside data analysis.

Please read on.

つい先日の1月26日、尊敬する経営学者である野中郁次郎博士が逝去されました。UC Berkeleyで青春の時間を過ごされた大先輩として、我々は「いく爺」と親しんで呼んでいました。ついに対面することは叶わず寂しい限りですが。謹んで哀悼の意を表します。

いく爺大先輩は、バリバリの分析派であるにもかかわらず、最後の最後には、「気合いじゃあ!」と言えるタイプの大学者であり実践家。私自身も、一見その異常な高IQから繰り出される エビデンス至上主義に見えつつ、実は「勢い/momentum」しかほぼ信じず、最も大事なことは「仏縁を感じる直感」に全面的に任せるため、妙な親近感を感じた 大先輩でした。





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