Does “compassionate leadership” really works?|「慈悲のリーダーシップ」は本当に効果的か?

Here is a rather excellent article from Forbes Japan. Two CEOs are talking about “Compassionate Leadership.”

This is an act from “Zen 2.0,” an annual gathering in Kamakura, Japan, organized and planned by Mickey and Sisidon, two of the core members of my Kamakura weirdo network.

This is a new trend that is being taught in MBA programs in business schools in the U.S. today. It really is a world apart, considering that up until 15 years ago, there was only a forest of glitzy finance and strategy related MBA programs all around.

I have been paying attention to President Mr. Aoi of MARUI for a long time. I didn’t expect Shorinji Kempo to come out of his mouth, but he is certainly not wrong in his interpretation. I am a Nidan, 2nd-degree black belt of this martial arts, and as a boy, I was often taught by my masters that “to be strong in order to be kind, getting along with others.” ‘Strategy = omitting fighting’ is an eye-opening idea! I found it very interesting that if you have a solid strategy in place, you can “abbreviate the battle.”

It is also very suggestive that when the Marui Group was facing bankruptcy for years, President Aoi was doing his best to practice mindfulness meditation. I also would like to continue my research in this area in the organizational development domain.

なかなか素晴らしいForbes Japanの記事です。コンパッション・リーダーシップについて2人のCEO が語っています。

御存知「Zen2.0」での一幕ですけれども 、この集いは、毎年鎌倉で行われていて、私の鎌倉変態人脈のコアメンツでもあるミッキーとシシドンが運営と企画を行っている素晴らしい活動です。

「慈悲のリーダーシップ」などと言うと、何を甘いことを…と思われるかもしれませんが、これ、アメリカ合衆国ではビジネススクールのMBA プログラムでも教えるようになっている最新トレンドなんですよね。15年前までのギラギラした財務系や戦略系のMBAばかりが林立していたことを考えると、本当に隔世の感があります。


マルイグループが倒産の憂き目に遭っていた時、青井社長が一生懸命やっていたのが マインドフルネス瞑想というのも、とても示唆的ですよね。引き続き、私も組織開発ドメインでこの辺りを研究したいと思います。

(Photo by chris bhadra on Unsplash

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