Does a racially diverse workplace prevent heart disease in the workforce?|人種多様性のある職場が労働者の心臓疾患を防ぐ?

This is a public health study that was conducted over a long period of time with a solid protocol. It showed that robust workplace “diversity” (in this case with respect to race) has a positive impact on the development of certain diseases.

“Among Black workers, we observed a strong protective association between greater workforce racial diversity and cardiovascular mortality.” The study found that African-American workers in auto plants, which are all Caucasian and no African-Americans, have a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Perhaps the mechanism is that increased stress works as an intermediate variable, but that will be confirmed as well later on.

In any case, this is evidence from the medical domain regarding diversity and inclusion these days.


「Among Black workers, we observed a strong protective association between greater workforce racial diversity and cardiovascular mortality」とのことで、白人ばかりでアフリカ系の人たちがいない自動車工場で働いているアフリカ系の労働者の方が、心臓血管系疾患の発生率が高まるという研究結果です。



(Photo by xyzcharlize on Unsplash)

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