Fear to ask questions|恐れずに他人に尋ねること


I think this is a really important skill in these times when it is difficult to foresee the future. For leaders, the attitude of being open to learning from those around them, after showing how “ignorant” they are, is fearful. However, I think this can truly be counted as one of the soft skills all leaders must have.

But the reality is, as the article says, “Time and again, I’ve seen just how often people fail to learn from those around them, and how costly this problem is to relationships , teams, and organizations.” Many leaders are often so far out of the habit of asking people things and asking for help that pride gets in the way. We really need to be careful here.

The key to breaking it through is once again, “curiosity up front”. And also, “intellectual humility. Both of these are skills that leaders of the 21st century must acquire, and there are now many studies in management showing that performance improves when people possess these skills.

At the organizational level, “psychological safety” is also crucial. People cannot ask questions in an atmosphere where they are likely to be told, “You don’t know that?” Leaders, in particular, are more afraid than anyone else of “looking like an idiot.” It sure takes courage!

There is actually so much value to be lost by appearing to be a “know-it-all.” Old folks, myself included, should start by asking questions to young people, with lots of curiosity.

先を見通すことが難しいこの時代に、本当に大事なスキルだと思います、リーダーにとっても、いかに自分が「無知」かということを示した上で、周囲の人間から学ぶことを歓迎する姿勢 。まさにソフトスキルの1つにカウントできると思います。

だが現実には、「Time and again, I’ve seen just how often people fail to learn from those around them, and how costly this problem is to relationships, teams, and organizations.」です。多くのリーダーは、プライドが邪魔をして人にものを尋ねたり、助けを求めるという習慣から遠く離れてしまっている場合が多い。本当に気をつけたいと思います。

打開の鍵になるのは、やはり「好奇心を前面に」ですよね。それと、「知的謙虚/intellectual humility」さです。ともに21世紀のリーダーが身につける技であり、これを持ち合わせていると、パフォーマンスが上がるという研究成果も、今では多く出ています。



(Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash)

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