サロン:Introducing the “other forces” perspective to career design|キャリアデザインに「他力」視点を導入する

今回のオンラインサロン「B2B(Business to Buddhism)」のテーマは、私だけのキャリアデザイン。こいつら、また突飛な話題を放り込みよってからに…と思われるかも知れませんが、さにあらず。いつも通りに、縦横無尽に話が展開しつつ、最後は奇麗にオチが付いたような気がします。


The theme of today’s “B2B (Business to Buddhism)” online salon is “my own personal career design.” You may be thinking, “There you go again! What the heck are these guys throwing in a topic so outlandish…” But it’s not so true. As usual, the topic was developed in all directions, but I think we ended up with a nice ending.

The term “career design” seems to have a strong nuance of “I , nobody other than I, design,” and seems to be a typical “self-help” activity. In reality, however, even simple career goals are subject to unexpected matters like Covid-19, twists and turns, and “detours” are the norm. In the first place, it is a big question whether there is such a thing as a “career design that can be drawn in a straight line” in this day and age. Therefore, I believe that how we can include an “other power” perspective that gives positive meaning even to “detours” may unexpectedly enhance our resilience in career.

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